Tuesday, May 31, 2016

recreate iconic photos from curtis

macro lens

These photos are taken with the macro lens. The macro lens makes it look more close up than it actually is. also the background is blurred to make the subject, the flowers, pop. when taking these i thought of from which angle to take the photo because of the background and what i wanted to be in focus.

zoom lense

These two photos were taken with the zoom lens. When using the zoom lens you have to consider the distance from your camera to the object and how zoomed in you want the photo to be.

back in the day

These two photos are significant to me because I grew up in the St George area. I've lived here my whole life and watched it as it developed to a more city like and more of a busy area. Its amazing to see the transformations from back then to how they look right now.

Tuesday, March 8, 2016

slow shutter speed lens movement

The aperture of the first photo is 8.0 and the shutter speed was one. In this photo I zoomed in. The second photos aperture is 5.6 and shutter speed was still 1. in this picture i zoomed out.